Last week was crazy! When you come over to Ireland you have to go apply for immigration within 3 months. The international office had to make appointments for us, we couldn't make our own appointments with the Garda/Immigration officer. Being the procrastinator that I am, I didn't contact the office to make an appointment until last minute and my friends had already gone, so I couldn't go with any of them. When I got my appointment I desperately searched around for anyone who had around the same time as me. Why? Because I didn't want to have to ride the bus by myself! How would I know where to get off? What if I got off at the wrong stop? What if the bus driver was mean? What if I missed the bus back? So many fears and concerns coming from this small town, girl. All of my friends re-assured me that I would be okay. So my appointment was set for Tuesday morning. I had everything laid out the night before, had the exact time of the bus, etc. Come Tuesday morning, I got on the bus, asked the bus driver to let me know when the Garda Office was and he said, "Which one? There are so many?" For a moment I thought I forgot which one! I said, "Leixlip" but I pronounced it "Lexy-lip" It took me about 5 times saying it for him to realize I was talking about LEEKSLIP. I took a seat in the front on the bottom of the bus and looked out the window eagerly (just in case he forgot to tell me when it was). Within 10 minutes he yelled something when he came to a stop and stuck out a pointed finger. I went up there and he pointed out where the office was. Great! I jumped off the bus and went to the Garda office and awaited my turn.
For immigration you need: Passport, bank statement and a card for paying. I had all of the above. Though, when it came time to look over my bank statement, I saw that my name wasn't on it! That's what I get for printing it off last minute before I left the states. So I had to come back the next day. I almost started crying while he was searching for my name. I knew that he was going to tell me to come back. I just didn't know where I was going to find a bank statement! He still registered me, but not officially because of my bank statement. I made an appointment for tomorrow and then went out and caught the next bus. I went straight to my computer when I got back and found a true bank statement online. YAY! Now to conquer the next battle . . . - How to print it off at the library.
I went to the library on campus to print off my statement and do some homework. It took me a few questions to people, and many prayers to keep my frustration under control to figure out how to print something off. The whole time I just kept thinking - "Okay Megan, once you're done with this, you'll look back and see that you have learned something new!" It was such a relief when I figured it out! Whew! Now the next battle I faced that day was finding books in the library. (I had ordered a book at the bookstore that I needed for an assignment that was due the next day, but it still wasn't in. I had ordered it 10 days prior to this day and they said it would be in a while ago. I went to the bookstore and they called the book company and the book company said, "Ooops! Yeah... that book is on back order and won't come in until March." Well... I guess my next option was the Library.) I asked the nice library ladies where to find the book and they were so sweet! I went to get the book, but there were no copies left! How was I supposed to do an assignment without the book? Not sure. So I kept going back to the section and still no books. After searching the library system I found that there was one on reserve! (When a book is on reserve it means that it is in a special spot where students can check it out for 3 hours.) I went to that special spot and got it! Then I copied the pages (I learned how to copy at the Library, too!) And got the assignment done. Then I checked out a couple books. I learned how to check out books, print, copy, get books on reserve and how to find books in the humongous library. What a productive day! I didn't go to class that day because I was so stressed out, which was resulting in homesickness and I e-mailed my professors explaining that and one of them was especially nice and empathized with me and told me to feel better. I felt very blessed with such kind people in my life.
Wednesday, I went to the Garda again and this time my bank statement was golden! I got my immigration card after paying. What a relief to have that done! I felt like such a big girl, being able to ride the bus by myself and knowing where to get off. :)
College story/ learning experience/not proud moment: So I don't usually go out on school nights because I just can't imagine going to class the next day, but I especially wanted to on this Wednesday night. It had been a rough couple of days so it would be fun to loosen up with my girls! Well, let's just say that Megan was reminded that she has limits and that she is a lightweight and when those limits are heavily passed/tested, it's a rough aftermath. My friends let me borrow some extra makeup, a pair of boots, and nail polish. One of those "I feel like a rockstar nights". My pre-gaming was a little too much for Megan. One of my friends said to me, "I didn't think of you as a shot girl." And I replied, "I'll show you!" I am never going to show her ever again. Because folks, Megan is not a shot girl. It all went downhill from there. I had a few more drinks . . Everything was fun until it all hit me. I learned who my true friends were that night. I'm not proud of how, but I felt extra blessed to have such amazing friends that night. One of my friends held my hair that night, put my hair back, walked me home, brought me ibuprofen, made me drink water, and helped me change. That is a true friend right there. The next day I felt pretty darn horrible until about 4PM. Ooofta. NEVER AGAIN. I remember after my 21st with my brothers I was sitting in a chair and I told my sister, Gwen, "I am never drinking that much ever again." She said, "Oh you will. Just wait." Well, she was right. Now that I am reminded of my limits, I will not do that again here. The day after I was reminded again of how wonderful my friends are. One of my friends messaged me and said, "What do you need? Food? Medicine? I will bring you anything." I couldn't even leave my bed/room. My roommate made chicken fingers and offered some to me. What a dear! Man, I am blessed! Don't worry, I learned my lesson. -- Don't drink too much.
On Friday I worked out with a friend, went on a solo walk/run and then deep cleaned the apartment. I LOVE deep cleaning. It is so theraputic for me! Then my friends and I had our traditional family supper. It was very delightful! We made pasta, bread and salad. Good friends and good food! What more could a girl ask for? :)

Then Saturday we went to Galway! It was a lovely time! I don't really know what to say about it! It was about a 2.5 hour bus ride from Maynooth to Galway. We got to our Hostel and then we walked around. I found YARN! (Well they call it thread or wool, here.) I was so excited! I had brought my knitting needles with me to Ireland, but no yarn. We then spent the day looking at Claddah rings, shopping, taking pictures, etc. We did go to this farmer's market and there was a doughnut man who made THE GREATEST DOUGHNUTS YOU WILL EVER EAT. I am not usually a dougnut person, but these were AMAZING. He was such a delight! He sang, hummed and talked with us as he made the doughnuts. He found out of a couple of my friends were from Buffalo, NY and he started singing, "Buffalo Gals won't you come out tonight?. . . " Such a delightful person. Then we went to the Spanish Arch, then the Cathedral. We took lots and lots of pictures. It was so nice just walking around. Then we walked along the coast for a while. It was quite cold, but totally worth it! We ate at a seafood restaurant. This is where we saw a group of men of all ages dressed in costumes. We asked them what the occasion was and it was for a Bachelor party. We ended up having a long conversation with them. This is when we were asked where we were from and when they got to me and heard I was from Wisconsin, they said, "Oh! So you're a cheesehead!" It was so cool! I was just beaming the rest of the night. I am really watching my money, so everywhere I go, I usually get soup because it's cheap and never fails to please me. :) I had my first seafood soup. It was delicious! (I love that soup comes with bread, everywhere!) We went out that night and I had my first Guinness (Hate to disappoint people, but I'm just not a beer drinker, so it wasn't that good to me.) We didn't stay out too late because we were all so tired. The next morning we got up and went to breakfast, then walked around the rest of the day and took more pictures because it was SUNNY! One of my favorite times of the whole trip was when we just took a break and sat at the edge of the stone wall near the Spanish Arch. It was so pleasant soaking in the moment. We then headed back to catch our bus. The bus ride was much longer for some reason, this time. I fell asleep and woke up to the smell of a farm. I smiled, "I know that smell! That is a dairy farm!" I quickly spun around and looked out the window to see dairy cows! I was so excited. You don't see many dairy cows around here. Mostly sheep and beef. One of my favorite sites to see was on our way to Galway, there was a farmer in his tall boots, walking down his driveway, just getting done with chores, carrying a pail. :)
This past Monday was a nice day to sleep in and recover from the weekend. I got an essay topic approved. I am going to be writing an essay about Irish Farming! So excited for that! Today (Tuesday) I got a package from my family! I knew they were sending me some things I needed, but I had no idea they were going to be putting homemade cookies and letters and cards in it! I love my family.
Things I've learned:
*Ibuprofen is much more expensive in Ireland
*I'm growing in independence
*Irish people are delightful! Especially in Galway!
*Galway is one of the best places in Ireland to have Guinness
That was a lot in one blog post. I'm sorry if it was too much!
I hope you all have a splendid week!
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