Saturday, April 27, 2013

PROOF - studying abroad can change your life.

Before I delve into the heart of this post, I would like to point out that this post is not to talk about myself and rave about me me me and how much I am loving myself. No. It is indeed a post talking about major realizations I have had, but my purpose in writing it is not to show off about myself. I write this in hopes that maybe it will help anybody, even one person, when they read this. My hopes is that people are inspired by this post. That is my goal in these posts, to share my experiences and lessons learned in hopes that people may find inspiration in it. Now, onto the heart of the matter. . .

I contemplated blogging about this, but my heart was pulling me to do it, so here goes. . .

Last Spring my best friend from college studied abroad in England. She raved about how much it changed her and how different she was after having the experience. She told me that I would change, and I wanted to believe her, but I just didn't have the feeling that I would. Well, boy was I wrong. Of course I knew that I would change in little ways, but I had no idea I would change in such a deep way. Sometimes you realize a change in yourself in just a moment, a day, a week, a month, months, a year, etc. Yesterday I had an eye opening realization that changed me, for the better. Let me share!

Many people change while studying abroad or traveling, because they are taken out of their consistent life full of routine, full of the same day to day tasks, the same surroundings, the same people, etc. When you are taken away from that, it is inevitable that you will learn more about yourself, because you no longer have that stagnant medium on you. You are surrounded by a whole group of different people - and in that alone, you realize how different you are from people, what sets you apart from them. You may have more alone time, time by yourself, and in this is when you WILL think too much, but in those endless thoughts you will find deeper meaning in things that you do, in your choices, your decisions, etc. 

Background: I have shared a little bit about this before, but ever since High School I have struggled with a vicious weight and body image cycle. In the Fall time I would be in tip top shape due to Cross Country, then over winter I'd let myself go, develop bad eating habits, binge, eat late, and gain a lot of weight, then in Spring time and Summer I would crash "diet" (not eat very much and run more than I should) and lose more weight than I should. Then I would feel great, be so happy and love myself more than ever! Then Winter would roll around and I'd gain weight again and then Spring came and I would lose it in an unhealthy way. Oh my goodness. It was an unhealthy cycle. It didn't go away in College. I sought out counselors and tried so hard to love myself no matter what weight I was, because I knew that people saw me more as a body, but why couldn't I? I have shed many tears over the years due to not liking my body, then I'd rejoice in the times when I was in great shape. Why couldn't I be happy in both times?

THE REALIZATION: Well when I came over to Ireland, I let myself go again. I ate whatever I wanted, and I couldn't exercise because I had some injury stuff going on. This caused me to gain a great deal of weight. Through all of this excessive eating, loss of control, and developing bad habits, I was trying to prove to myself that I could love myself no matter what weight I was. And people always say, "You're abroad! People always gain weight!" About 11 days ago I decided I was going to be healthy. So I started exercising and eating right again. Though, still I felt like this was just like the regular cycle and eventually I'd let myself go again. I had to find a deeper meaning... Well it happened!! Yesterday I was reaching for a handful of granola cereal, but I wasn't even hungry, so I resisted the urge. It was at that moment, in the silence of the kitchen, in the sunshine coming through the windows, that I had finally found my deeper meaning to my life. All of my life I have felt like 2 different people. The one who is happy when she is in shape and the one who is not comfortable in her skin when she's out of shape. Here is why!

** I always thought that these health kicks weren't mentally healthy for me, like I let them take place of God and like it was just me wanting to be skinny. But it's not just that. I wrote all of my thoughts out, and I'm going to share them with you. Sorry if this is all over the place. It's just so overwhelming and hard to explain! This eating healthy and exercising every day is who I am. It's not just a diet or a mode to lose weight, it is a lifestyle where I am happiest in. This is how I always want to live my life. I don't want to indulge all the time. I am a woman who is healthy, makes good choices and who has self control. I am full of God's love and purity. The fact that I love to live this way reflects my love for God. I am taking care of His body. It is not my own and I am using the mind and willpower and strength he gave me, to be a healthy woman. This is me. I exercise daily, I eat healthy, I eat naturally. I love life. I love God. I am beautiful no matter what, but feel most beautiful when I am caring for this body God has given me. The reasons I was unhappy before is because I wasn't devoting myself to be better. I wasn't taking care of the body God gave me. I just let myself do whatever I want. I made my own eating decisions without thinking about what God would want me to do. I never hated my body because it wasn't as skinny as the other girl's. I didn't feel comfortable in it because I didn't feel like I was me. I am most unhappy when I let myself gain weight, not because I don't see myself as beautiful as others, it is because it shows that I am not taking care of the body God gave me. I am not living in a Godly way. I am most happiest when I am in great shape because it shows that I am making healthy and Godly decisions. It shows that God is a big reflection in my life! I don't judge those who are heavier at all. This is just me. Now I feel God in me more than ever, guiding me back on the healthy path, walking in that beautiful light. The reason I become injured so often is not a punishment from God. It is because I am not listening to God's whispers that my body is tired and needs rest. I just go my own way and ignore the pain - ignoring God's signs. I'm learning to listen now because I am taking care of the body God has given me.

My sister said to me: "Maybe you are how you are because God wants you to be that way (if you are doing all you can and not letting it take over your life)?" - I think that was where I was conflicted and why I'm not happy when I gain excessive weight. Usually when I gain weight it is from lack of exercise and overeating habits. So when I gain weight I know this isn't really how God made me. He made me to make better choices and have more control. That is why when I am in shape, that is when I feel best because THAT is the way He made me - to make good choices. 
Now I look myself in the mirror and feel beautiful because I am healthy. Not because I'm getting skinnier. I don't go on a scale. Going on a scale would most likely cause me to get fixated on a number, and I'm trying to steer clear of that.
I am hoping that this realization is going to help me stop that vicious cycle I go through every year. I feel that I have finally hit that deeper meaning to my feelings that I needed to hit. Following this moment of realization, I wrote it out very quickly and did a happy dance. This is who I am. This is my life! I am no longer a girl who crash diets to get skinny, I am a girl who lives a healthy life to serve God.

If you struggle with body image issues, dig for the deep reason of why you feel that way when you look in the mirror or put on clothes. Once you figure out that reason, your eyes will open. One thing to always remember though, is that it is NOT about the number on the scale. You need to find the lifestyle that you are most happy with! It doesn't matter if you are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, it is never too late! Some people have the happiest and healthiest body images in the mirror when they are eating the foods they love! Some people are happiest when they have smaller portions. Some people are happiest when they are eating large portions! I can't say this enough: It is not about what size you are, it is about a lifestyle that you are happiest in. Do not compare yourself to others. DO NOT. Everyone is happiest for different reasons. Find your reason. Find that lifestyle that is you - a lifestyle that is your own that you love.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Accomplishments, happenings, facts, and little things.

It has been about 10 days since my last blog. I just wanted to take the time to catch you up on what has been happening in these past 10 days. Nothing TOO exciting, but hey, even just laying and staring at the ceiling is deemed exciting when you're in Ireland.

In my last blog I wrote about my goals and new habits that I wanted to develop. Well look at what I have achieved:
- I've been eating healthy and exercising daily for exactly 2 weeks! It has changed my life. Yes, that sounds dramatic, but it is so true! I feel happier and good in my skin. My life feel's more balanced. I've been keeping up on school work/productivity, keeping my room and bathroom clean, etc.
- I told myself I wanted to write in my journal every day, ( I haven't been keeping up very well since I've been over here) and i haven't missed a day in 2 weeks! I love being able to go back and look at what I've written. It also helps in remembering things to put in my blog. I even started writing things on sticky notes that happen throughout the day and stick them in my journal.
Ex: One day I was having a conversation with one of my friends, here and I apologized for how cheesy I was being, but then I continued and said, "Well, you should know this by now... I'm cheesy but extremely sincere." And she said, "You're from Wisconsin, they like their cheese, there." Okay, you may not find that too funny, but at the moment I found it hilarious! So I wrote it on a post-it quick and stuck it in my journal later that day.
- I've started up a devotional and prayer journal. Usually when I start a devotional, after a few days I get caught up in my life and forget to take time for the Lord, but the Lord has blessed me with so much! The least he deserves is a little time with Him each day! So I started a devotional and prayer journal. It has been very wonderful. It is a beautiful start and end to my day.
- MOM TRAIT: I developed the train of thought, "Why do what you could do right now, later?" I've started keeping up on EVERYTHING. Now I understand why my mom would tell us to hang up our jacket right when we got home instead of throwing it on the banister. We would just respond, "I'll do it later." It just seemed like so much work at the time. Years later I finally understand my mom. For example, when my toilet paper runs out, usually I would "be too lazy" to change it right away... I'd be sorry later. Now I just change it RIGHT away. Of course there are more major things that I do right away, but the little things add up too!

What has happened in the past 10 days?
- PONIES ON THE RUN: One morning on a run I came across a farmer trying to get his loose ponies back into the pasture. Of course I stopped and helped him. It felt SO GOOD to do farm work! It was like being home. After we got them in and chatted for a bit he said, "Leave it to the American to be the one to stop and help." I was all smiles that day. It's a little silly how much that task made my day.
- FAMILY DINNER: I had a family dinner with my good friends, here. We made homemade pizzas and talked for hours about what has been going on in our lives. It's amazing how close people become in just a matter of months.
- TEA TIME: I had tea with one of my Irish friends and made another Irish friend! "Tea fixes everything." (One of the first things I've quoted her on.)
- A time to reflect: Yesterday was my day off of running. I have a hard time taking days off. My legs get restless and it seems my longing to run is the strongest on these days off, but of course God helped fill this void. I went on a walk in the back of St. Patrick's. It is BEAUTIFUL. It is this area lined with paths and there are big grassy courtyards. Well, on the back of one of the trails I found a large stump to sit on. I sat there and listened to my christian music and just sat and took in Ireland. We need to remember to take that time to just, be.
- Family birthdays: 3 of my siblings have had their birthdays while I've been over here. It's different being away from them on their special days, but in another way, it helps you stretch to find other ways to show them you love them. Maybe that's something else we are supposed to learn to do while we're over here, how to express love from so far away.
-BEAUTIFUL WALKS: I've started going on a walk every night after I eat supper (around 7pm). They are the most beautiful and calming and soulful walks. It gives me the time to reflect on my day and thank God for all of the blessings that day! The smells are of firewood, farmland, and dew. The sounds are of sporting events - parents cheering, players talking/shouting to another. Children playing - laughing, racing. The sights are the sporting events happening, the children playing and I also walk by farm fields and fields of sheep or cattle. 
- ROOMMATE DINNER: My Irish roommate, Michael always has this delicious Indian food. His dad makes the sauce and Michael brings it back with him every weekend. My other roommate (Sami) and I would always comment how good it smelled. Finally it came down to it that he offered to make some for us one night and we offered to make brownies and supply ice cream in exchange. So we had a roommate dinner one night! We have good craic together. Michael likes to pick on us, Americans. We find ourselves laughing a lot... at each other. HA.

Want to learn some facts about Ireland?
I've started a new thing where I learn 5 facts about Ireland every day. I don't want to go home and not know anything about Ireland! Here a few facts for you:
- Up until 1973, women employed in public service were forced into retirement once married.
- There are no postal or zip codes in Ireland outside of Dublin and Cork City
- The population is about 4.1 million
- Nickname: Emerald Isle
- 15000 years ago, Ireland was covered in thick glaciers. The movement of these giant sheets of ice stripped the soil, leaving huge tracts of flat, limestone pavement.

My own personal Ireland learnings:
- They spell things with the "s" instead of "z" over here. For example, it is spelled "Organise" instead of "Organize".

The little things:
- One day I was reaching back in my cupboard for a tea bag and couldn't decide which kind I wanted. I have about 5 boxes of tea and I said, "I have too much tea." My Irish roommate, Michael said, "You can never have too much tea." (He also corrects the way I say it. It isn't "TEEE" it is pronounced "Tay")
- Even though I have gotten used to the accents over here, I still love the way the Irish talk. The way the ends of their sentences/words curl up.
- My teacher often says, "Have a think about . . . "
- Roads are referred to as "motorways"
- I don't think the Irish have a general concept of a consistent side of the sidewalk they should walk on. I find myself "dancing" with many people when we cross paths.
- APPARENTLY it is not common for mothers to cut their children's hair? Michael went home and came back and he had his haircut, I said, "Oh did your mom cut it for you?" You should have seen the look he gave me and the laugh that came along with it.

I've taken on:
- I've started saying "cheers" out of natural habit, now.
- Sometimes at the end of my sentences I find myself saying, "yeah?" For example, "You like the flowers, yeah?"

What's to come?
- Here at Maynooth, this is the way they do their exams: They start the first or second week of May and go until May 31st. The exam office sets up the exam times. I have a couple papers/essays due as well as an exam throughout this next month. Since I have been busy learning, loving, and laughing in Ireland, I haven't really been keeping up with school as much as I should. Therefore, I'm a little nervous about these exams, but of course God comes in to save the day! Many of my professors are thoroughly preparing us for the exams so there are no surprises, AND my exams are spread out for the most part, which is a blessing in itself. It gives me time to study for one at a time! I have an exam on April 29th, May 9th, 10th, 14th, and two on the 20th. I've been finsishing up a paper and I plan on getting the other paper/essays done before studying for my may Exams. I forgot I was in school over here.... :)
- This coming Sunday my roommate and I are going to Dublin for a flea market!
- My parents arrive! Dominic arrives! My parents are flying into Dublin on the 23rd, but they leave later that day to go to Paris and Holland. They will come back to Ireland on May 29th. Though I do get to see them on the 23rd for a little while! Dominic arrives on the 25th and I think he leaves on the 30th. SO EXCITED TO SEE THEM. I know it is going to be one of the strongest moments of mixed emotions when I see them. I will be so happy to physically see them, but at the same time, that means that my experience is coming to an end. That is why I'm taking in as much of Ireland as I can each and every day and thanking God for everything!

I hope you all are having a wonderful week!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Through the challenges, I've grown.

This blog is a little more deep and personal than my last two blogs. I've been wanting to write a more "reflective" blog about my experience thus far. I don't even know where to begin. God has blessed me in many ways and helped me grow in many ways since I've been over here. There have been many challenges, but there is always something amazing that comes out of them. I always learn from them or find something to get out of them.

Money: I did not come over here with an ample amount of money. I have never been very good about managing money. I just kind of try to spend as little as possible and don't really keep track of how much money I spend. Well since I have been here I have gone through challenges that have woken me up and given me a good shake. After my trip to London, I really wanted to go on a trip to Scotland and Poland. It has always been my dream to go to Poland and see World War II sites, especially Auschwitz, but when I looked at plane ticket prices and hostel prices and my bank account, they didn't really compliment each other. The night I realized that I would not be able to travel anywhere else outside of Ireland, I became very upset and admittedly, I became a little jealous of the fact that my friends had enough money to go practically wherever they wanted. I knew God wasn't punishing me, but I just wondered why he was putting me in this position. After about 40 minutes of feeling bad for myself I forced myself to find a bright side to this. I had to find the flip side. When I came to the realization that I am about to explain to you, I laughed at myself and felt silly, and I'm sure you'll laugh with me... or AT me about this. I said to myself, "Megan, you are in IRELAND. That is enough! You are in IRELAND. That is more than many people can say right now. Think about where exactly you are. Look at all of the beauty around you. You are in IRELAND." My inner me was right. I was very blessed. I was in Ireland! I think God wants me to learn to dig deeper and find a deeper meaning right where I am. I don't need it all. I have it all right where I am. I came to study in Ireland. Ireland feels like home to me. It's where my family came from. I love Ireland. The fact that I was upset about not having enough money just made me feel very selfish and silly. God has given me so much. How much money I have should not be what determines my happiness. *Side note: I recently started being VERY responsible about managing my money. I've been keeping receipts and making very wise choices about what I spend my money on. I probably should have been watching my spending this closely since the beginning, but better to learn later than never!
Bible verse: "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have. Because God has said, 'Never will I leave you. Never will I foresake you.'" - Hebrews 13:5
Goal: For the rest of the time I am here, my goal is to learn more about Ireland and to find deeper beauty exactly where I am.

Side note: The night I became discouraged about not having enough money I felt like I couldn't do anything with my friends because everything cost money. Well God was clearly looking out for me because this weekend was filled with time with friends that cost little to no money.
*Friday evening - I had family dinner with friends and they supplied most of the food. Then we went to buy ice cream and hair dye for them. I didn't buy either because as many of you know, I would never in a million years dye my hair. AND I wanted to buy ice cream, but since I am watching my money so closely, I know that I don't have much money, and I figure there are better things that I can spend my money on. Then we got back and watched a movie, ate popcorn and dyed their hair. It was so much fun!
*Saturday - A new Wisconsin friend and a new South Carolina friend and I ate bread and cheese and watched a movie. I did spend money on the cheese and bread, but I was wise about my choices and the movie was supplied by one of the friends. We had a good time getting to know each other. I am so glad that I have been continuing to make new friends!
*Tonight! - My roommate and I got together and had supper and dessert together. I supplied the cake, which was very cheap and then she supplied the dinner part. It was just right... as usual. :)
*That night I e-mailed one of my Irish friends to see if we could get together for tea and chats and to see if it would be okay for me to go home with her and meet her family some weekend and she said absolutely! And we have a tea date on Wednesday!

God blessed me with all of these meaningful times with friends! It's like He was saying, "See Megan? You're surrounded by so much here in Ireland."

Health: For the first two months I was here, I ate whatever I wanted and loved what I was eating and I didn't really watch what  I was eating because it was always with people that I loved and we were always having a good time. I always tried to tell myself that I was happy with it all and that it didn't bother me that I was packing on pounds over here. I also haven't been able to run much because my knees scream whenever I try. One night I hit a breaking point and decided that I wasn't happy with how I was living this "lots of eating and little exercise" lifestyle over here. It was fun for the first two months, but now I'm not happy with it, so I decided to do something about it! This past week I started eating a lot healthier (like I used to), smaller portions, and have been doing a lot more exercising. I've opened up and researched different exercises that will help me get in shape but won't shred my knees apart. Even after just 5 days of this, I feel SO MUCH BETTER. I don't feel like I'm missing out on any food. I feel strong and like I am treating myself better, now. What I've learned about myself over here is that when I'm not happy about something, I can't keep trying to pretend that I am, I have to do something about it/change something. I have to really listen to myself. So I decided to listen to myself. I also gave up sweets until my birthday, except for Sundays. Sundays are my cheat days... they keep me sane. This isn't just about losing weight, it's about gaining control back. I got into these vicious habits of just eating non-stop or really late at night, even when I knew that it wasn't good for me. I feel like I have control again and this is what God has given us... self control and discipline. We best use it!
Bible verse: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." - Romans 12:21
Goal: My goal for this challenge is to continue to persist in the good habits that I am developing. I tend to steer away from them after a few days into it, but I'm going to stick with these healthy habits because I want to take care of this body that God has given me. I will keep control. 

*I've been going on so many walks and I try to take in as much of Ireland as possible. I love the new places I'm seeing!

Contentment: If you've been reading my blogs along the way, you know that I went through a breakup while I was over here. I went through it pretty early, but it can take time to get over breakups and time for your heart to heal. There have been many points that I have thanked the Lord for the timing of this breakup! What better place to heal than in Ireland/abroad? I've healed in the greatest ways possible. I didn't heal with anger, jealousy, hate, etc. I healed in a more fulfilling way. I tried to see the ways in which God was blessing me and that it is all in God's plan. He wasn't punishing me. And instead at being angry about the breakup or reacting from the hurt, I just pray that he is happy, then I continue on  with my growth. There is no growth or positive outcome in hating or being angry at the person or in just hanging onto the "what-ifs" and "whys", instead you have to move on with grace. While being over here, I have grown stronger in my faith again and become content again. I have complete faith that God has a plan. I'm not in a hurry to find someone again or to be in a relationship again. I have a lot of growing and learning to do about myself before I jump into a relationship again. I've come to be content with God's love and what He has in store for me. Being content makes it easier to be happy and at peace with life. I'm content in Ireland and where I am at. 
Bible verse: "But godliness with contentment is great gain." - 1 Timothy 6:6 
Goal: My goal is to continue being content with where I am and what I have. To not compare myself with what other people have. I must remember how blessed I am at all times. 

*It's kind of funny how much I am not interested in the boys over here. Being content is such a good feeling!

Me, myself, and I - I've just been learning a lot about myself, too. Since I have been meeting so many new people, I'm realizing how different I am from people. Being over here and being able to focus on myself has been very eye opening. I'm a lot more innocent than I thought I was. I'm closer to my family than a lot of people are with theirs. Not many people I know, love the country/appreciate the country as much as I do. Not many people go to church regularly. There are just little things like that that really set me apart from people. And I am NOT saying that those people are bad and I'm NOT saying that I'm a loser, I've just learned so much about myself and I'm learning about who I really am. And I've gone on a roller coaster of not liking it and now I'm on the phase of embracing myself and really learning to love all that I am. I've had tearful  conversations with family friends and my mom, but through all of it, I am coming to see all that I am and loving all of it. 
Bible verse: Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. - Colassians 3:12
Goal: My goal is to try to dig deeper into myself and learn more and grow more. I want to take the time to focus on my experience and the ways in which I am changing.

New word:
Class - It means like... "top notch". Used in a sentence: "She was really good. That was so class."

Little ways in which I have changed so far:
*I drink more tea than you could imagine (at least 6-8 cups a day!) All different kinds.
*I started saying "cheers" and "grand" in my every day chats.
*I've become a little more independent traveling by myself or finding my way around. 

New appreciation: Studying abroad is an amazing experience. I love Ireland, but there are things that I definitely now appreciate more about home since I have been away:
*Change in season. I love that Wisconsin has clear Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer (besides this year... since spring and winter have kind of joined at the hip). In Ireland it's kind of rainy and sunnyish year round. It's beautiful here, though! I just like my seasons. :) 
*My church. I have a whole new appreciation for my church back at home. It's a little challenging connecting on a spiritual level at the church here. Back at home I will now appreciate how slow we say everything and the meaning that goes into the music. 
*Currency. Ireland has such cool coins and Euro bills! But it can get a little confusing because it is a little different from the US currency pattern. It will be interesting getting back home to the US currency. 

So the advice that I have learned that I give you: For those of you who are like me and are "all or nothing" kind of people or if you're the kind of person who has a million things to do right now, I must remind you, it's about quality, not quantity. I took a step back and realized this quote to be so fulfilling. Recognize the beauty and quality in your life right now. You don't need to do it all! You need to make the most of what you are doing. For example: It's not about how many countries I visit, it's about what I get out of the country that I am in. Slow down and find meaning in the day to day things.

Thanking the Lord every day for giving me this learning experience and for blessing me with these challenges and chances to grow. 

Blessings to you!

First Easter, then London.

Long overdue, but better late than never! Enjoy reading about Easter in Ireland and my experience in London! Cheers!

Easter in Ireland - Spending holidays away from my family is always hard becuase I have such a large family and we all get together and have such a good time with wonderful food and lots of laughter. Though, I decided to make the most of my holiday away from home since I was in Ireland. In all honesty though, it wasn't as wonderful as I had hoped for it to be. On Easter morning a friend and I went to Easter Sunday service at St. Mary's Church. I think I went into mass with too high of expectations, because I felt disappointed after leaving this mass. The mass was basically led by children. I did love their singing voices, but there was not much structure and meaning throughout the whole service, not many people dressed up, the priest seemed to go as fast as he could and his homily was about Easter eggs and chocolate. All in all, the mass just didn't feel like an Easter mass. After mass my friend Katie and I went back to her apartment. Her roommate joined us to make apple french toast, eggs, and bacon. It was all very delicious. Especially the apple french toast! I loved the company and it was a sweet time, but I still felt something missing. I went back to my apartment and decided to watch an Easter Catholic service online. Even I laugh a little at myself for that, but I do have to admit that it did feel good to watch it and hear the classic Easter time songs. :) The sun finally decided to come out! So I went on a run. It was lovely! Then when I got back I Skyped into my family Easter! (My family was hosting it for our Schottler side). I was greeted by a whole slew of family members and I couldn't stop laughing for the first 5 minutes! I was so happy to see them! They asked me a few questions, cracked some jokes, showed me the food counter, had some conversation with grandma and some others and then it was time for them to go. After that I just relaxed the rest of the day. Easter in Ireland wasn't the same, but I'm still glad to have had the experience!

Then we had a few days of school and on Friday at 3:30AM it was time to head off to London! Wooo! I was going with my friends Kristin and Elizabeth. We had a taxi pick us up and bring us to the airport. We were all so tired! I didn't sleep at all, Elizabeth had just woken up from sleeping for a few hours and Kristin had taken an hour nap. We got to the airport nice and early, got through security and waited in a Starbucks until it was time to go to our gate. Then we boarded the plane (got 3 seats next to each other) and 45 minutes later we arrived in London! Ahhhhh! We were in London! How cool is that? I looked over at them and said, "Hey guys, we're in London." We all giggled like little girls and had smiles plastered across our faces. We scrambled around the airport, got our bus tickets, exchanged some Euro into pounds, got on the bus and then made our way to London, Victoria - where we would be staying.

*Side story about money: I've been spening my money wisely over here, but I didn't come over with that much. I had just checked my account and thought I had enough in my account to take enough pounds out for the weekend, but when I tried to take an amount out, it said I didn't have enough funds in my account. It was so scary, and I wasn't able to take out that much. Money situations stress me out so much. I pulled off to the side and looked very flustered. Thankfully God blessed me with amazing friends. Kristin said, "It's okay, Megan. We will cover you if you need to be covered. Don't let this ruin your trip. We'll figure it out!" I love that girl.

First day in London: I was so sleepy, but I couldn't close my eyes! I wanted to keep looking out the window to see the beautiful London scenery! We got to the bus stop and walked to our Hostel. It was so adorable and the gentlemen who worked it were so kind and funny. We dropped off our luggage and headed out to the door for our first venture. We got to Buckingham palace and there were a bunch of people there. What was going on? Oh it was 11:30 - The changing of the guards. The changing of the guards is a very big deal. We joined in the crowd. So much happened - Some more guards came in and did some routine stuff, a band of guards came in and played amazing band music, guards came in on horses, etc. It was such a neat experience. Then after watching this, we went and got some food! We all got the same thing. They are something like meat pies. It's like a pastry filled with meet and veggies. It was delicious! Since I had such little money, I kind of regretted getting this and wished I would have gotten the soup instead since it was cheaper. I also ordered water, but forgot that when you order it in London, you have to pay for a bottle of water, so that was more money tacked on. Oofta. I was so cold and just very down about my money situation. We left to go see Wesminster Abbey. On the way we spotted a beautiful building. Kristin said, "Let's go find out what it is!" So we went to find that it was the "Westminster Cathedral". We went inside and it was breathtaking. I separated from the girls and walked around. On the edge of the Cathedral were these themed chapels. Walking around the church I was starting to feel more at peace with my money situation and just with myself. I went into the St. Patrick chapel and sat and prayed for a few minutes. After leaving the Cathedral, I felt this renewed happiness come over me. I had prayed for God to guide my spending decisions and to just help me to stay at peace with everything. I was happy.

Westminster Abbey/Big Ben - Kristin got a tour of the Westminster Abbey and while she was doing that, Elizabeth and I wandered around London. We took pictures by Big Ben, walked along the river, walked through a garden, walked past a riot in a street (which we thought was a parade at first), walked past beautiful buildings, took pictures, and by the time we circled back to the Westminster Abbey, Kristin was done! Then we walked back over to Big Ben, took some more pictures. We walked across a bridge to the London Eye. Elizabeth and Kristin went on the London Eye and I stayed on the ground. (I didn't go into the Westminster Abbey nor the London Eye because they were a little too expensive for Megan). I was doing my best to spend wisely. I knew that I would be able to experience London even on the ground, and boy am I glad I stayed because as I was wandering around I saw some human statues, street dancers, street acts, and more! I got my picture with some of the human statues! Now it was time to go. On our way back over the bridge we got these delicious nuts! I'll never forget the smell of those nuts. Then we went to the Parliament Building and took some pictures. Then we got Crepes at CrepeTastic. The people working there were fantastic! And so were the Crepes! Then we walked through a garden. It was such a long walk, we were tired and I was getting kind of crabby, but how could I be crabby when such a beautiful sunset was in the sky and the atmosphere was so peaceful and I was surrounded by all of this beauty... in London!? Sometimes I think God paints beauty around me at just the perfect times. This whole walk we were trying to find this Peter Pan statue. Though once we got to the end of the first part of the park, the 2nd park was closed and we realized the statue was in that part. We grew restless as we were walking back to the hostel. It was such a long walk. That long walk made our beds that much more satisfying. After writing in my journal, it was time to catch some Zzzzzzzs.

Day 2 in London:
I woke up and went right down to have breakfast. I didn't bother changing out of my super-duper-awesome-cool Green Bay shirt. After breakfast and getting ready, we were off! We walked to a park, passed many theatres, went to the British Museum (there was so much to see! We didn't even see an 8th of it!), went to the train station for Harry Potters 9 and 3/4 (Elizabeth and Kristin were a little more interested in that, but it was still neat to see), went through a couple parks, Picadelli Circus (very beautiful and interesting), had lunch (I had soup and Kristin and Elizabeth had fish n chips). It was a long day, and God blessed us with beautiful weather! We hopped on the tube and headed to the O2 arena for the One Direction Concert! Random fact: The O2 is one of the biggest arenas in the world. It seats 20,000. We were so giddy on the tube. Elizabeth and I were listening to our headphones and lipsinking to Kristin all of the One Direction songs we were listening to. When we arrived at the O2 we practically did cartwheels we were so excited! We danced, sang, skipped and laughed all the way to the venue. We got a picture in front of a big poster of 1D. I laughed at myself because we were in line with all of these little girls and their moms. And here I was 22, giddy about One Direction. We got into the O2, Elizabeth bought a T-shirt, we ended up getting food at a convenience store, then we headed into the arena. It was amazingly huge! During the opening acts, Elizabeth and I went to scope out the vendors for candy. She ended up getting candy floss (cotton candy). It hit the spot. The concert was so much fun! I had so much fun dancing around, singing to the song, losing my voice, taking pictures, etc. When we got back to the Hostel we ordered pizza and chips. It hit the late night snack spot. Then we headed off to bed.

Day 3 in London (Last day): So sad that it was our last day, but we were going to make the most of it! It was packed with lots to do! We took the tube EVERYWHERE! At breakfast I snagged a PB&J to have for a snack (such a rebel, I know).
1st stop - The London Bridge. We took a LOT of pictures around the London Bridge and on it. I offered to take pictures of these two ladies that were together. Small world... they were from America. We ended up striking up a conversation with them. I love it when that happens! Kristin decided to go on the tour of the London Tower, so Elizabeth and I wandered around that part of London. STORY: Elizabeth got a hot dog and we went past many vendors and she decided on one at the end and when she asked how much it was I whispered to her: "Is that the cheapest form all of them?" and the VENDOR replied, "It's the cheapest and the best!" He laughed. I did too. It was such a funny moment. And he said, "You should work on whispering more quietly next time." I also got ice cream that said it was 2 pounds, but when I ordered it, the lady said I only had to pay 1 pound. God was looking out for me! Time to go on our walk! There were huge buildings, including this one that looked like a glass egg. So we weaved through many streets to get to it. Since it was Sunday, everything was closed, so the streets were pretty deserted. It was kind of eerie. We got to the glass egg and still couldn't figure out what it was. (Still don't know.) We eventually wandered back to the London Bridge and just sat and people watched. It was another beautiful day. We eventually found Kristin after her tour, and I asked them to take a picture of my heel click in front of the bridge. After a few tries, we finally got one! We hopped on the tube!

St. Pauls Cathedral! It was such a beautiful Cathedral. It is where Princess Diana got married! Though we weren't aloud to see much of it because there was service going on. So we decided to go somewhere around there to have tea. We ordered tea and a food and sat outside. I was feeling a little sad at this point. It hit me that I wished my family was there with me to experience all of this beauty WITH me. I prayed about this feeling and eventually slipped back into happiness.

Baker Street - Kristin and Elizabeth were very excited about this. They wanted to see this street because it had Sherlock Holmes address. After visiting it and getting pictures we went to the Beatles store. STORY: On the way to the Beatles store, a guy grabbed my hat from behind me and started running around with it. I wasn't scare, but I didn't really know what todo. Eventually the guy threw it at one of his friends and his friend just gave it back to me and kind of rolled his eyes. What a weird encounter that was. After the store we hopped back on the tube!

Abbey Road! - I was most excited about this. We followed our map to get to Abbey road and we were at this intersection that we THOUGHT was Abbey Road but a gentleman stopped us and said, "This isn't THE Abbey Road, THE Abbey Road is down that block." What a nice guy! It was crazy trying to get pictures at the cross walk because traffic was bad and many people were trying to get pictures, but we managed to get our pictures crossing. :)

Notting Hill - Notting Hill was absolutely beautiful. So many colorful buildings! We got there a little late, so we weren't able to really shop at the markets, but we stopped at a couple souvenier shops. We didn't spend long in Notting Hill. We headed off to the Kensington Gardens!

Kensington Gardens - This is where we would find the Peter Pan statue. It was another beautiful night. There was a big pond in the middle with many beautiful swans and other birds that we didn't know what they were called, but they were pretty strange. There were people playing football and frisbee, walking their dogs. It was a lovely moment. We finally found the statue! We took lots of pictures of it, then made our way to the City Center to have our last meal. We ate at the first place we saw. It was like a pub and eatery. Kristin and Elizabeth ordered Taters and Mash and I ordered the celery soup. It was all so good! Then we all ordered pie and custard. That was delicious as well! At one point in our meal an Irish man came up and asked us where he could find some good wine. Then I opened my mouth and he realized we were also not from London. Then he told us that he was from Ireland and we told him we were studying there and we had this long conversation about religion, school, family, and studying, and football. It was a hoot! I love talking to strangers because it's like they aren't strangers! We were in such a good mood and joked about how we could really go for Crepes even though we were so full. We looked up the CrepeTastic place and found out they were open until late! So we quickly paid our bills and hopped on the tube to go to CrepeTastic to finish off our night in London. The Crepes and employees were fantastic again. Such a perfect way to end our time in London.

We got back to our hostel and slept soundly until 3:00AM. We caught the bus and wandered around the airport until it was time to board our plane. I ended up getting a newspaper to bring back home (thinking of my dad!). I sat next to a young child and his mother. They spoke Spanish to each other almost the entire time. :) When we arrived in Ireland, this feeling came over me. I just felt like I was home. I was so happy! I can't even describe the feeling. We caught the bus back to Maynooth and I talked to my dad for a bit on the internet and then took a nice long nap until class.

I'm sorry about that long post about London! I left a lot out, but I wanted to share with you a good chunk of my experience. I hope you are able to go to London someday! It was an amazing experience to say the least.

Blessings to you!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

10 Days spent galavanting around Ireland with crazy ladies.

I really need to get better about blogging again. I can't believe how long it's been since I've written in it! I have so much to tell you! I have to tell you about the adventures I had with 2 wonderful women AND about my trip to London! Oh where do I begin? I will do a blog for each.

On March 21st, two of my favorite poeple came to Ireland to visit. Let me give you some background information about these two wonderful people. Jody - I work on her organic vegetable farm every summer - Threshing Table Farm. She is also a family friend AND she was my third grade teacher. She was always ready to go and organized each morning far before Davy and I . . . woke up. Davy - She also works on the farm during the summer. Even though they are about 20 years older than me, we have all grown very close. They are like 2 fun moms! Davy and I are have a tendency to be spacy and pretty goofy and crazy, together. It's good craic whenever we are together. When I told them this past summer that I was going to study abroad in Ireland, they joked about how they would come to visit me. Funny how a conversation in a field turned into something real!

Day 1 - March 21st - The morning they arrived, I went to a coffee shop to wait for them. We had planned ahead of time to meet at the "Bon Bon" cafe in Maynooth. I ordered some tea and began to read. They were there within 10 minutes from when I got there. The feeling that I got when I saw them was indescribable. There is something about seeing someone so familiar after being away from home for a couple months. We shared hugs and laughs and then ordered some food. They were pretty out of it from the lack of sleep. Jody ordered porridge, Davy ordered an egg and mushroom plate, and I ordered eggs. Mmmmm! The adventure of delicious food was just beginning! - They rented a car for the 10 days they would be there. Davy was the driver. They told me stories about how the driving was on the way here. (For those of you who don't know, Ireland driving is on the left side.) Apparently Davy didn't want to listen to the GPS on the way to Maynooth from the airport because she thought she knew the way, and so they ended up going in circles in Dublin. It's quite funny NOW, but I think while it was happening, it wasn't too funny to either Jody or Davy. The first day, we just spent at a low key pace. We went and moved the car to a free lot, then we went came back to unpack their suitcases. They brought so many goodies!! The most important goodies they brought were cookies from my dad (upon my request), animal crackers (circus bag kind. I asked Davy to bring some. They are my junk food staple in college and they don't have them in Ireland!) and CHEESE CURDS. I was so excited about the cheese curds. I teared up getting these food items from home. It made me feel so close to home. :) Then the rest of the night we went to Aldi for some groceries then had tea and cookies and just chatted.

The rest of the days they were here:
Day 2 - March 22nd - We went to Dublin. Davy and I were pretty slow to getting ready, so we didn't leave to catch the bus until 11ish. Then we checked the car to make sure it was still there, then we hopped on the double decker bus. When we got to Dublin, we just walked around and went into a few shops. We also went to a beautiful church and the Book of Kells. We got a tour of Trinity College by such a wonderful tour guide. Then we got to go in and see the Book of Kells old library. It looked like a scene from Harry Potter! It was amazing. It was pretty rainy out, but even a rainy day in Ireland is grand and full of craic. We ended the day with a meal at a pub in Temple Bar that played live Irish music and Irish dancers came to entertain as well! It was perfect! I ordered Carrot soup. When I asked the waitress what kind of soups they had, I couldn't understand she was saying "Carrot" and so she tried to say it in an American accent. It was so great! Davy and Jody both got fish n chips. Then for dessert we ordered a brownie and ice cream. mmm mmm delicious! We went back to my apartment and drank tea and ate cookies while watching Ireland tv.

Day 3 - March 23rd - We woke up, got ready, had oatmeal for breakast, and set out for another adventure. Off the Newgrange! Newgrange is in those pictures where it looks like a big grassy dome with bricks. Davy did a lovely job driving there, even on the crazy winding roads. It was so interesting riding in the passenger side! After we purchased our tickets, we went back to the car and had our packed lunch - egg salad sandwiches and carrot sticks. It was so good! Our tour came. It was freezing cold at this location that we went to, but totally worth going to. The tomb was amazing to see and the people that were on the tour with us were very nice (of course they were, they were Irish!). Davy chose to write out the directions because it is easier for her to write down directions and follow them, than to listen to the GPS. We decided to head back to my apartment. The cold weather takes a lot out of you. We settled in with tea and cookies while cooking supper. Then it was time for bed after a little tv and laughs.

Day 4 - March 24th - We went to Palm Sunday mass at my church, St. Mary's, right in Maynooth. The outdoor ceremony was wonderful and joyful, but once we got inside, things just seemed a little all over the place and sped up. Mass was done in 45 minutes. It wasn't the priest that I usually have and adore, but it still felt nice going to Palm Sunday mass with close family friends. Then we went to Bon Bon for delicious food. We got there right before they opened, so we got to pick wherever we sat! I ordered the French Toast, Jody ordered the small Irish Breakfast and Davy ordered eggs I believe. Then we ordered a dessert (of course) it was like a fruit coffee cake, tart, thing. After eating wonderful food we went to the car and headed off on our daily adventure. We went to Ardigillian Castle. It was LOVELY. We had this 18 year old tour guide. He was so funny and knew SO MUCH. There is so much I could say about this tour, but in summary, we had so many conversations with him throughout the tour that it took us 3 hours to go through only some of the castle. He said it is the longest tour he has ever given. And we even got to see a couple rooms that people don't usually get to see (including the servant's headquarters!) So cool! The castle was right on the ocean and so beautiful. We went back to the car on a beautiful walk and had our packed lunch and decided it was time to head back to to the apartment. Where we made supper and had tea and cookies. (Tea and cookie time was my favorite part of the day!)

Day 5 - March 25th - We set out on a long adventure! Starting on Monday we were going to go to a small town where Davy's ancestors were from then settle in Galway for the night, then go to Cloughjordan for the night to see a CSA farm, then we would get back to my apartment on Wednesday. On the way to the small town, Jody spotted a "Mitchell's" above a store. Of course we stopped and took pictures in front of it! It was so grand. The gentleman working inside told us to come inside. I introduced myself as a Mitchell and he said he was a Mitchell too! I had the biggest smile on my face. I got a picture with him and we chatted for a while longer and then his son walked in and introduced himself as well. Very nice people. We got some tasty cookies from there. (I forget what they were called, but they were so good!) It was a little convenience store. Did you know the difference between Mitchell  and Mitchel is that the one with two Ls means Catholic and one L means protestant. Learn something new everyday.

Then we made it to Davy's town and went to a real estate shop that had her name up on it and asked the lady working there if she knew of any "Flannery" and she didn't, but she was a very nice lady! Then we went to the church that one of Davy's grandmother was married in. It was gorgeous! Of course. Then we went around to different charity shops and other shops where Davy asked around about her ancestors. What a neat little adventure it was. :) Then it was time to gead to Galway. We checked into our little B&B. It was VERY LITTLE. Then headed into Galway on the bus. We had supper - Davy and I had Irish stew and Jody had chicken. We also had Bailey's Cheese cake. Mmmmmm! Loved it! Then we just headed back to the B&B, watched "Meet the Smiths" and went to sleep. We had fun playing around with Davy's voice activated tablet. We couldn't stop laughing before going to bed! I love laughing.

Day 6 - March 26th - I got up earlier and went on a little run/walk in Galway. Such a sweet exercise. Then we had breakfast. We went into Galway for a few hours. We walked around the beautiful city, bought some candy at a cute little candy shop, bought homemade hats from a lady in a gas station, Jody bought lots of souveniers and had a lovely conversation with one of the ladies working in a store, and then we headed back to the B&B and set out for Cloughjordan. But FIRST we must go to the Cliffs of Moher! This was my third time there and it was a neat thought that I was becoming so familiar with the place. :) I met some boys there who were traveling with the Madison, Wisconsin rugby team. I was so excited to meet Wisconsin people! We had such a good time at the Cliffs. The weather was a little chilly, but that didn't stop us from walking around them and taking in the views. So blessed to have the opportunity to witness God's beautiful creation.

NOW, time for Cloughjordan. We traveled on the freeway for most of the trip, then a few back roads. We ran into a roadblock - Cows crossing the road - it made my day! Loved that moment! So country. We weren't sure where the hostel was, so we ended up pulling into a beautiful house and asking for directions. Eventually we arrived at the Hostel that is located on the CSA farm. It is in a little village and this village was so fascinating! They are all about "being green". More about that in the next day. We got into our hostel room - which was very clean, spacious, and earth friendly/environmental friendly, then we asked Pa (the man who owns the hostel) where we could eat. He told us of a place about 5 miles down the road. It's called Fairways. It was the cutest place we had been! We were so excited about it. It was so homey and calm and cozy and Irish. It's hard to explain, but it just felt very welcoming and peaceful. We ordered a lot of food! Davy also ordered some wine for us. I took lots of pictures! (Hopefully you can see them on facebook!) Our waitress was so dear and so nice. I had the mushroom soup, Davy had lamb and Jody had fajitas. We also had a couple desserts. Mmmm mmm delicious! When we got back, I Skyped my family for a bit, then we went to bed.

Day 7 - March 27th - Davy and I slept in and Jody got up to talk to Pa about the CSA farm and the village. Once we got up, we got ready, then had tea and cookies (yes, for breakfast). Then we went on a walk with Pa, around the village. It was such a highlight to the trip! It was amazing to see all of the wonderful ways they were building houses (straw and mud, recycled car parts, etc.), ways in which they were conserving energy, ways that they farmed, ways that they built play areas for children (out of sticks and mounds of grass for a tent/fire area). We got to talk to a few of the farm workers about the crops in the CSA. It was such a joy talking to people who had a passion like we did for farming. There is something about talking to another farmer that warms the heart and forms a connection within 5 minutes of a conversation. The dog was also along for the walk - Django was his name. We passed some horses as well. The walk came to an end, then it was time to meet the partner in crime to the farm. Her name is Lily. She took notes as we talked about Jody's farm. She loved what she was learning and we loved what we were learning. There were so many similar passionate thoughts about farming that there were times that I got goosebumps and couldn't stop smiling. It was so cool that there was a CSA farm in Ireland that worked like we did! After meeting with these wonderful people, it was time to head back. We stopped in this little town for a bite to eat. We all got potato soup and bread. Then we ordered a dessert. I can't remember what it was called, but it was so good! Then we stopped in a little town and did a little window shopping. It was a nice way to end the 3 day trip. We made our way back to Maynooth now. It started snowing on the way back! Felt like we were back in Wisconsin. Then we had tea and cookies and went to sleep.

Day 8 - March 28th - We slept in just a little, then got up and headed for Dublin! We had a grand time in Dublin. It was beautiful! Sunny weather! We felt very blessed. We went to many charity shops (Davy had looked some up before we left), we went to a little market, and ate at this SUPER AWESOME restaurant! It had the most beautiful paintings of cows. We got the greatest burgers I have ever eaten and chips (fries) and Davy got some coleslaw with her burger. I have never felt so full. We went past a fancy liquor store so that Davy could buy her dad some fancy Whiskey. We talked to a gentleman about which to buy. He was very helpful. Then we stopped in this really cool soap store. It was unreal. I don't even know how to describe it. The atmosphere was amazing. Music was bumping, the employees were fun and very nice. All of the soap and other bath items looked like food or they were really colorful. It was an interesting place. We also stopped in another candy shop and we also went to a mall in Dublin. It was the most beautiful mall I have ever been in. Pictures are on Facebook! It was so clean and had the coolest windows and ceiling. After a day full of craic, we caught the bus home and finished off the night with movies that we bought "Atonement" and "Mystic Pizza" and had stew. Life is good.

Day 9 - Last day - March 29th - We slept in a little this morning, also. We ate at Bon Bon and then I decided to show them my campus (Davy asked to see it!). It was sunny on this day. It was probably one of my most favorite days. I wanted to show them my favorite building, St. Patrick's, where I have my theology classes, so we went in there, but most doors were locked. Then a priest came out of a door marked, "Private" and asked if we'd like to see the church. I had never seen the church before because I always thought that it was only for the seminarians. When we walked in, the sacristy was huge, for starters, then we walked into the church and words can't describe the feeling I had. My breath was taken away, I got this very emotional feeling over me. I almost cried at how beautiful this church was. We didn't even talk for a good couple of minutes as we took it in. The priest was so nice and stayed with us and told us all about the church. He explained the stained glass windows and how they tell the story of Jesus and the top window about each foreshadows. The alter was made out of marble. There were individual pew seats. I can't even describe the beauty. Pictures on facebook! Then we walked out to see the graveyard that was in the back of the building. The entrance to the graveyard was an archway of trees (another breath taking moment), and then the rest of the land in the back of the building was open and there were paths to walk on. It was perfect. Then we walked back to my apartment and went to the Hill of Tara. We took a back way there and ended up stopping on the road to take pictures of sheep. Yes. Sheep. When we got to the Hill of Tara, we went into the little gift shop, then to the hill, then we tied our yarn on the fairy tree and made wishes, then a man asked us to take pictures of him on top of the hill. We struck up conversation with him. He said he was from London and I mentioned I was going there and he told me all of the places I should go. Then we went back and shopped in the little shops. :) When we got back, most places were closed because it was a holy weekend. Though, we did find a cute little coffee shop to eat at. I got a few salads and a chickpea burger and Davy and Jody got fish and chips. Then Davy and I went to look at the desserts. We were in a deep discussion about which one we wanted and the man behind the counter was chuckling about this. We ended up striking a conversation with him. He was so nice! We told him all about our trip and all of the nice Irish people. Then since Davy and I couldn't decide, he said he could give us a half of each kind. We went back and sat down and he came to the table with a 3rd dessert that we didn't order! He said, "Here's something to remember me by." Such a sweet man. I love the Irish! Jody also got a dessert. I think it was lemon something. Then we went back to the apartment and relaxed.

Day 10 - Jody and Davy got up mighty early to catch their flight. It was so sad that they had to leave. I cried when they left, but then I remembered my mom's saying, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." And I distracted myself and slept some more and cleaned my room and went grocery shopping.

I am so glad that they got to share Ireland with me! I feel so blessed in so many ways. The days they were here was full of lots of laughter, lots of good food, good company, and more. They were perfect.