I'm making memories, changing, and learning.
Last time, right after I finished writing my blog, something most wonderful happened. I went out to the hall because I heard girls chattering out there. They said they didn't live here, but they were friends with Sami (one of my roommates). Then they said, "Do you want to be friends, though?!" So I made two more friends that night. The four of us, Hannah, Molly, and Sami went to Aldi and got various grocery items. I got salad for our dinner. Then we came back to the apartment, made a pasta dinner with salad, veggies and grapes, then watched "P.s. I Love You." What a perfect night. It was a lovely thought that we were in Ireland (where the plot of the movie/story line took place).

My 15 year old sister, Libbie, would appreciate this. At the pub I met this very friendly Irish girl. She was about my age. I was talking to her about the music they were playing, then we started talking about One Direction and how much we like them. We bonded over this, then she said that she actually sang with the Irish boy from One Direction. She sang with him before he became famous. Unfortunately she said he isn't a very nice person, but it is still so cool that she sang with him!
On Friday, there was an orientation session in the morning. This man who is well known for setting up trips around the country, came in and talked about his adventures. Then we went to a different building to get our module (courses) forms signed by the professor of each department. So far I know I am taking: Global Water Resources, Ireland Since 1800, Victorianism to Modernism, women in the Cletic World, The God of Christ and one or two more classes that are not yet confirmed. It was very windy, rainy and cold, so many people stayed in that day, including me. I took a nap, then looked at some more classes. Then there was a pizza and movie social. The pizza they served was about as big as a paper plate (a little smaller). I got vegetarian pizza. This pizza had onions and corn on it. It was deluctable! There pizza was fresh, not greasy, and the crust tasted very homemade. We watched the movie, "Once". It was pretty good. After that, most people went back to their homes, as did I. I skyped with my older sister, Gwen and her girls. It was so good to see them! That was the first family that I had Skyped with since I have been here.
Before going to bed last night, I wrote in my journal a little bit, and made a list of things I needed. I slept in this morning. I got up and decided that I would go walking around Maynooth. I washed up, ate Irish Porridge Oats, had tea, checked my e-mail, and was out the door. My list was: band-aids, brush, hair dryer, notebooks/folder, agenda, yarn, tea, soup, gloves, lotion, backpack/school bag. It was a little rainy, and chilly, but I was still excited to be going on a solo stroll. I'm very glad that I brought the jacket I brought (remember in one of my other blogs when I wished I would have brought my nice black jacket? I am SO glad I brought the one I did. Much more practical).
I stopped in Dunnes, first, to look for gloves (it is quite chilly here, not quite as cold as it is at home, though). Not much luck. I ended up getting 3 cans of soup and crackers. I looked at tuna, but it was quite expensive. Then I browsed the rest of the mall, and there wasn't anything I really needed. So I went to mainstreet to see if any of the local shops would have more items. I stopped in a bookshop (maybe they'd have notebooks and agendas?) When I walked in, Irish women were having a conversation. I could just stay in that store and listen to them talk all day. It was so delightful. Then a mother and daughter came in and they had just visited a school. The little girl kept talking about how "Brilliant!" the stage was. I couldn't help, but smile. I love that word. The notebooks were about 3E each. I decided to wait to see if I found some cheaper ones. I walked to Tesco (like a Wal-Mart) and notebooks there were also around the same price. I'm wondering if they aren't very cheap here like they are at home - 80cents. So I went to the food aisles and the tuna was just as expensive as the other store, so I got some more soup instead.
I began to feel like a very cheap person as I looked at my list and talked myself out of:
band-aids - I don't get cut that often.
hair dryer - The reason I wanted to get one is because my hair doesn't dry very well or fast because it is so cold in my room and outside, BUT I will wait another week and see if I still think I need it.
notebooks - I don't feel right spending that much money on them. I will ask my friends and Irish friends if there is somewhere I can get them for a better price, then I will come back.
gloves - My hands are cold all the time, but, I'll still wait to get them.
backpack/bag - maybe I can just carry my books.
brush - I'll just use more conditioner so I don't need a brush.
My mom would be proud: after talking myself out of all of those things, I went to the clothes section. They have the greatest style here. I love it! Flowing tops with leggings, boots, long socks. I looked at their clearance items and found a couple tops for only 5E each. But I kept hearing my mom say, "Only spend money on things you need." And I kept thinking about one of my goals this trip, "Spend wisely. Simplify." So, I passed on the cute tops that I so badly wanted to get. I don't need them.
I walked back toward campus and decided to stop in a little cafe called, "Coffee Mill". I opened the door and walked downstairs. There were many people there, but it was so cozy, so I decided to order something and get a table to myself. I ordered their cheapest thing on the menu - soup. Their soup of the day was potato/lentil. With my soup I got some grain bread. (I know you're probably thinking, why would she eat out and buy soup at a coffee shop after buying so much soup, today?) I thought the same thing, to be honest, but I think this is more worth band-aids, hair dryer, brush, etc. - Sitting in a coffee shop in Ireland is priceless. I sat at a table, opened up my journal and listened to the Irish accented chatter around me as I began writing. What a warm feeling it brought me.
After finishing my soup and bread, I headed out the door and went to my last stop of the day, Aldi. This is where I bought things that weren't even on my list, but they were "needed". Peanut butter - it was only 1E. It was interesting that they also had "American Peanutbutter" it was more expensive. I should look at the difference in ingredients next time. Rice Cakes - light snack that I have at home. I want to see what they are like, here. Zip seal bags - for snacks throughout the day while I'm in class/around campus. Funny story: When I was paying for my groceries, it was 5E and 5 cents. I opened up my coin pouch and couldn't remember which coin was 5 cents. I was feeling a little embarassed, so I just gave him a coin that was 2E and he said, "You have no 5 cents, aye?" I laughed and kind of asked, "Which one is 5C?" I pulled out a different coin that was 10 cents, and he said, "I can take 10 cents, too." He was very nice about it. That's something I love about Ireland. Everyone here is patient, friendly and kind toward everyone, it seems.
I'm back at my apartment now. I guess I didn't really do that much, today. I mean it was kind of like running errands at home - but not. I think the fact that I'm in Ireland, makes it much more sweeter and enjoyable. I thank God each day for giving me this experience and opportunity. Surprisingly I haven't had a tad bit feeling of homesickness. I'm wondering if it is going to come later, or if there is a catch... I'm not sure. I don't really miss home. Not in a bad way, just in a good way. I'm not sad about not being home, I'm happy to be here. Does that make sense?
One of the biggest ways I have changed so far since I have been here is that I have become a lot more comfortable in my skin, physically. Remember in one of my first posts when I talked about one of my worries being how I wish I were in better shape. Well when I got over here, it wasn't a worry anymore. I didn't even think about it. I was too busy thinking about everything else going on around me, all of the friends I was making, the fact that I was in Ireland, that I didn't have time to think about how out of shape I feel. Or even when it did cross my mind, there was no negative feelings. It is so trivial. I have just been eating healthy and staying happy. I love this feeling. It is so freeing! There is so much to love about this life, especially right now. Why worry about such trivial things like weight or shape? Be the best version of yourself, that's all He asks for. Embrace yourself and who you are.
I am sorry about the lack of pictures. Gwen asked me last night if there is anything I forgot that I regret forgetting or wish I brought . . the only thing I could think of was my camera cord! I forgot my camera cord! So I can't upload any pictures on my computer, yet. Though, I have been taking them on my phone, and when I have Wi-Fi I send them to my e-mail. I will try to find more time in a Wi-Fi zone to post more pictures!
Tomorrow I visit the cliffs of Moher!
That is all for now. I hope everyone has a splendid day!